Command TerminalΒΆ

Set up a Terminal for Windows 10

  1. Install Ubuntu

    Follow the instruction of this tutorial and another Chinese version tutorial. Now please restart your laptop.

  2. Install Cmder

    Cmder is a more user friendly command line terminal than cmd, which gave me a shock when I used it for the first time. Unzip the files to C:\Program Files\Cmder.

    Add the path where the cmd.exe lies in to the system environment, which enables you to use Cmder with the Win+r shortcut followed by cmder. You may follow the this example. Open the cmd terminal as adminitrator, type in the following the command:

    cmder.exe /REGISTER ALL

    Now you can srart your cmder with Win+Alt+P. Find the setting opition at the right bottom of cmder terminal and click the Startup, choose Command line and set it as bash -cur_console:p. Enter the bash shell with the following way: click the green icon at the right bottom, choose 3:{bash} and 4:{bash}, open the setting window, Startup/tasks, set it as {bash::bash} and set taks paramaters as /icon "%CMDER_ROOT%\icons\cmder.ico", confirm and exit. Now you can use it. Enjoy!